Molluscum Contagiosum: What finally worked after months of trial and error

In mid-2016, I noticed a couple of flesh-colored bumps on my 8 year old son’s knee. I didn’t think too much of it. I thought they were just bumps- like an ingrown hair or a wart. In October, I noticed there were more… a lot more. He had several on each knee, one on his bicep and a few on his big toe.

I took him to the doctor and got the diagnosis- molluscum contagiosum- a viral infection that causes these bumps. There’s no cure. The only treatment they could offer was to burn them off- a very painful procedure that can cause scarring. My son said thanks, but no thanks. He’d wait it out.

That’s when the doctor informed us the infection could last 6-8 months. In the meantime he had to keep the bumps covered so his brother wouldn’t catch it. This meant long pants, long sleeved shirts and socks at all times. No swimming in our backyard pool. No sharing or even reusing towels.

My son was devastated at these restrictions, so I set out to get as much information as possible and to try everything I could to get rid of these hellish bumps so he could be free to do the things he loves.

I’m sure, if you’re reading this, you’re on the same path I was, trying to find anything, ANYTHING that will at least shorten the time frame. Here, I share my journey with you and reveal what did and didn’t help.

First, I paid $32 for a tiny bottle of Zymaderm. (Hint: it’s cheaper on Amazon, but I wanted to start it that day). It seemed to help, at first. Two or three of the bumps on one leg went away, and I got really excited. The problem was, that while those few little bumps were fading, double that were popping up elsewhere. More surrounding his knees, in his armpits and down his chest. And to make matters worse, after those few initial bumps, none of the rest had any change. Overall, this medicine failed.

Next, I had a friend make me blend of essential oils that seemed to help when her son contracted the virus. I don’t know everything that was in it, but the main oil that she thought helped was Thieves, a blend of Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary essential oils. Applying this to his bumps daily did nothing. This medicine failed.

Next, I tried pricking a bump with a needle. I read that busting the core (the thick, white/yellow center) would allow blood to get in and actually form antibodies that would fight the infection and get rid of the bumps. My son screamed the second the needle touched him. Fail.

Then I tried rubbing alcohol (I read somewhere that it will fight the infection and…you know the rest). I applied it to the bumps twice a day. At night, I saturated a piece of cotton ball with alcohol and apply it to a bump or two, placing a bandage over it to keep it in place overnight. Sometimes, the bumps would appear smaller in the morning, giving me hope. But they didn’t go away. Fail.

Epsom salt bath. Fail.

Apple cider vinegar. Fail.

Next, on the advice of another mom with experience in this matter, I bought regular tea tree oil at the store. The bottle said it was for aromatherapy uses only, but by this point, I was desperate. My son was contemplating enduring the pain and scarring and asking me if I’d consider taking him in to have them burned off.  So, I bought the aromatherapy tea tree oil and started applying it to the bumps twice a day. Slowly, a few of the bumps started coming to a head. This meant that the core came up to the skin surface so my son could pluck it out. He wouldn’t let me touch them, because this does hurt, a lot. The problem was, he was getting an excema-like rash around the bumps. His skin was scaly and red.

I thought I’d found the cure. The one thing that was going to put an end to my son’s torment after months of daily treatments with one terrible smelling concoction after another. I mentioned it to my friend Michelle, who’s face immediately contorted in horror when I told her I was putting the tea tree oil on my son’s skin.

She told me it was synthetic, not pure, and that it was probably burning his skin. I light bulb went off- that’s why he was getting all those dry, red patches. I was literally burning him. That’s real parent-of-the-year material, right there. FAIL!!!!!!

Michelle made me promise not to put that stuff on him again, and said she would make me a blend of real essential oils to help. I was skeptical. I mean, I’d tried an essential oil blend already and it didn’t work. But, being desperate as I was, I readily agreed.

She gave me this blend in a tiny spray bottle and advised me to spritz it on and spread it around with my fingers at least twice a day. That was on Friday, February 17th, 2017. As of Monday, February 27th, my son was molluscum-free. 

What I mean is, after applying this blend (that actually smells good!) for less than 10 days, every bump my son had came to head so he could pluck it out. The bled and looked like sores for a few days, then healed up. No new bumps formed during the use of it, either. My son was literally dancing around the house while I cried after plucking out the core of the last bump.

He can wear shorts. He doesn’t have to wear socks to bed. He’ll be able to swim when summer hits.

For those of you searching for a remedy, I wanted to share, so I got the recipe from my friend. Here it is:

(These are DōTERRA essential oils.)


on guard



Just add a drop of these into a small bottle with coconut oil as the base.

Here is her website where you can order these oils or you can contact her on Facebook if you have any questions.

Good luck on your own journey. I hope this helps!!


81 thoughts on “Molluscum Contagiosum: What finally worked after months of trial and error

  1. Marlia says:

    Hey! Do you know the exact amount of oils and the size of the bottle? I’m battling with these nasty bumps with both of my daughters-ages 3&2. Thanks!


    • wendilwilson says:

      Ok Marlia, for your little ones, she recommends 2 drops of each oil in a 10ml roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil. But only use the DoTerra oils. The store bough ones are synthetic and will not work.
      Good luck!


      • Christi Anderson says:

        Wendi, how much fractionated coconut oil did you use? I have all the oils but Arborvitae, will it still work? I can order it easily, I am a doterra advocate. 🙂 It’s spread to my son’s lips, face. I’m worried about his self esteem.


      • wendilwilson says:

        My friend made it for me, but the bottle was very small. So I’d say it had to be one or two tablespoons of oil with the drops of the essential oils in it. I don’t know how important the Arborvitae is, but you could always try it without for a week and if you don’t see any improvement, add it in.


    • Michele says:

      Yes! I know. Please contact me at michelelynn0715@gmail .com and I can go over amounts and other non DoTerra products – skincare etc that have worked well in addition to the oils.

      I then Use ON GUARD And Frankincense in my water. 1-2 drops of each is sufficient for water. I’m not a doctor and I would definitely recommend checking with a doctor before use, but mine are slowly healing (coming to a head or just disappearing

      This has been a life saver! If you would like more information, please feel free to email me as well at and I can give youths correct amounts of all the oils and help you if you decide to purchase!

      I love them and feel so lucky to have found something that has helped me cure this! Great article!!!

      This stuff works!


  2. Jessica Arnold says:

    Thank you Wendi!!! my daughter’s have struggled w/these forever! my older daughter caught them from our cousins i believe, and i spent FOREVER getting rid of a the few she had….well, about 2 months ago i see them on her 3 yo sister 😦 i have the old oil i blend i made w/her sis, but its not making progress. i use doterra and im going to make this blend right now for her, starting tonight! thanks so much for the article. ❤


  3. Donna Molsbee says:

    My 11yr old daughter has had them for 2 years. They started out 1 or 2 near her collar bone, and her dad thought they were skin tags until we noticed more. took her in to the doctor and got the Molluscum diagnosis. Long story short- they have moved towards her face… so I was more than excited to find this article. We are hoping she is Molluscum free for her birthday- Feb 8. THANK YOU for giving her hope again. I will definitely let you know how it goes.


  4. April says:

    I plan to order these oils ASAP. MY 6 yr old daughter got them we feel from gymnastics 😔. The problem is they are on her bottom and have managed to spread to her labia area. Our doctor recommended lemon myrtle oil and coconut oil mix but I’m seeing the red areas like you mentioned above and feel like I’m burning her 😭. She cries saying it burns in places already. With the sensitive area I may have to use a qtip rather than spray bottle. Over all I pray this works for us!!! 🙏🏼


  5. Mariam says:

    HI Donna, have you had any success? I am currently fighting this with my 2.5 yr old. He caught it from daycare. I have all the oils and will start tonight.


  6. Jinger Lee says:

    Does your friend sell this in a bottle already mixed together? When I added all the bottles to the cart on her site it was $190. I had to buy the bottles of each when I only need a few droplets from each. I tried her facebook link to send her a message and it doesn’t work.


  7. Jinger Lee says:

    Does your friend sell this in a bottle already mixed together? When I added all the bottles to the cart on her site it was $190. I hate to buy the bottles of each when I only need a few droplets from each. I tried her facebook link to send her a message and it doesn’t work.


  8. Lauren Cook says:

    Hi! Any idea what to do if your little one is sensitive to coconut oil? Is there an alternative base oil to use? Thanks!


  9. Tarah Tomczak says:

    With the spray bottle did it matter if it was amber, blue or clear in color? We have been battling for a couple years with theses bumps on my 7 year old. Nothing has worked so far so I’m really excited to try this! Thanks for sharing your story!


  10. Cambria says:

    I’ve been trying his bland you recommended on my son for a couple of days now and some of the bumps are already ready to pluck out… my son is 4 years old. I plucked out the white core of 2 of the bumps and he screamed like it was literal torture. Do you know if it’s necessary to pluck them out? Or will they go away still with the oils if I just do the oils and nothing else?


    • wendilwilson says:

      My son was older and willing to do anything to get rid of them ASAP. The oils are healing it, so it should work, but I would maybe cover them, if possible. If the core bursts on its own, it may spread.


      • Ali says:

        I am, too, battling these on both my kids! It’s horrible! I’ve been using straight Melaleuca and it’s seeming to dry up the spots a bit, but not making them go away. I’m excited to try this blend! I have everything and just ordered Arborvitae through DoTerra. I haven’t read anything about popping these on your own – is this something I should be doing to help the process?


      • wendilwilson says:

        I think you’re supposed to let them heal on their own, but my son was so desperate to get them gone, we popped them. Or rather, he did. It hurt pretty bad, so he insisted on doing it himself. If you go that route, be sure not to let the gunk touch the skin. It’ll spread. We plucked the center out with tweezers and cleaned it each time with rubbing alcohol. Good luck!


    • Jinger Lee says:

      We’ve still got about 10 pesky bumps hanging around, but even though the oils are great, I feel like the only time they fully went away was when I popped them.


  11. Jim says:

    How much coconut oil was used with the essential oils? It’s important to get the mixture right or the essential oils will either be too diluted to work or too strong and (potentially) harmful!


  12. Dana Eliason says:

    I am excited to find out if this actually works. Have just applied to miss 7 belly as they are spreading to her groin. I will definitely let you know how it goes. So glad I did some research. Arborvitae is great for viral/bacterial infections. 🤞🏻It works.


  13. Cher Anderson says:

    My 6 year old has had them for 2 years. At first they were just the little bumps, …but now they are large and the surrounding area is red and swollen 😭 we’ve done the beetle juice stuff in the pedo pediatrician dermatologist, and that was horrible and didn’t stop it. A she has little chicken pok like scars where the doc did it. I’m going to try this method …and pray.
    One thing im really wondering is there an outbreak of this because of the chicken pox vaccination? The kids aren’t going thru chicken pox, and eventhough the vaccine prevents chicken pox, I wonder if it leaves the body open to the musculum CONTAGIOSUM virus? Hmmm…..


  14. Nichole says:

    I’ve also gotten rid of it with a mix of Melaleuca and Lavender oils (from Doterra), diluted in coconut oil. Melaleuca is the most important part because of its antisepti properties.


  15. Sunita says:

    Hi Wendy, I am worried if we use coconut oil it would solidify in the spray bottle. if going with olive oil how much would u recommend as a carrier oil? My 20 month old is struggling with this virus. Any spray bottle u recommend?


    • wendilwilson says:

      Mine was a 2oz spray bottle filled with 1-2 drops of each oil. You can use Olive oil, but the coconut oil you’re supposed to use is fractionated, so it stays in liquid form. You can find it at your grocery store. In the article, I linked my friend and you could ask her exactly the dilution for your child’s age. Good luck!


      • Escarlette Zamora says:

        Hi what do you mean by the coconut oil needing to be fractioned? I have never used oils and I really want to try this. My daughter had her whole left side covered and now my son has it on his scrotum. I am desperate. I need this in the instructions for dummies version.


  16. Lauren says:

    How much apple cider vinegar did you put in the bath? And how much water? I don’t want to dilute it too much so that it isn’t effective. Thank you


  17. Tonya says:

    I’m a doterra member and I have some questions for your friend that gave you the recipe that worked for your son. I’m currently dealing with the mcv too. I went to her website and there is no contact info. I tried the FB link and it doesn’t exist. Can you please give her my contact info? My son is 1 1/2, mcv is terrible and I was so excited when I came across your post. Thanks.


  18. Elena says:

    Hi, my 6 year old just got diagnosed at the dermatologist and not knowing anything about it, I allowed them to do the beetle treatment. She blistered very bad, even though we followed the doctors directions and she took a shower as soon as we got home. At this point, some of the bumps are healed from the blisters and some are still very red and scabbed. At what point is it safe to start the oil treatment? Thank you!


  19. Amy Jowers Troutman says:

    Hi Wendi, I’m so glad I came across this article. My 10 yr old daughter has these same bumps and I also let the dermatologist treat it with the beetle juice, not knowing or considering any other options at the time. The awful blisters formed before we could even get home to shower! It was awful. She missed school the next day because of them as they were all down the back of her leg and she could not dress until late the next day. And at that point, I think it was only because I had made her a blend of essential oils that worked to ease the “burn” from her blisters. We have a follow-up appt for more treatments coming up and she’s dreading them. So, I promised her I would research alternatives to treat them and found your post. We are trying this blend and are very hopeful that it will work. I am not sure I will even do the treatments in the office, even if this does not work for her. She has terrible eczema and I already see an improvement on that from this blend. So I consider it a win already.

    I will mention that I didn’t have all the doTerra oils but I had some Young Living oils that I used instead. I used YL’s Cedarwood, instead of the DoTerra Arborvitae and YL’s Thieves, instead of the DoTerra OnGuard. I will try and remember to post my results from this blend. We began on 11/27/18.

    Again, thank you for sharing your story!


  20. Miriam says:

    I want to thank you for sharing this effective recipe! MC is so contagious, all four of my kids got it, ages 2 – 10. One of my sons had it particularly bad on the back of his knee; from scratching and spreading, it became sore, red, and raw. I felt so bad for him. This recipe (sprayed on 2-3 times a day) + a generous lathering of Aquaphor each time seemed gentle enough for him, and his skin healed rapidly. It was wonderful. As for my other kids, just spraying on the medicine twice a day (or more if I remembered) helped the bumps progress more quickly to a head (and I followed other reviewers’ suggestions to “pop” them and wipe clean with alcohol so not to spread), or to lessen the rash, and eventually to go away completely. It took some time, a few weeks at the least (more like a couple months), but the rash went away. I feel so grateful every time I see the normal, bump-free skin on the back of my son’s knee.


  21. Hemisha says:

    Hi Wendi, did your friend put 2 drops of each oils in a 10 ml bottle please? My 2 year old has got it and we have all the Doterra oils and want to try it but want to get the ratio of fractionated coconut oil right. Thank you


  22. Choom- says:

    Thank you for sharing. My daughter suffered badly for almost a year. We tried everything as you did, until I found your post. This cleared them all up within few weeks. We could not believe it. We applied morning and night. She has been Molluscum free for several months now. Thank you again for sharing.


  23. Lisa says:

    While I’m not a Doctor and always highly recommend to consult a doctor prior to use of products.

    I’m writing to tell you about a product that has worked for me immensely for molloscum! It is a combination of a DoTerra oils.

    I’ve been using them for less than 3 weeks and have noticed a huge impact/decrease in/of my molloscum. Some are completely gone (the head came out) and all of the rest have shrank.

    I have used a combination of oils through topical use, digestion, and a line of creams with have a ton of probiotics in them. I’ve noticed a dramatic difference in my skin as only 1-2 of them you can even see.

    I know exactly the right amount oils and fractionated coconut oil to use and how exactly to use each one. I would be happy to provide you with an adult and child amount that are safe (in my opinion), but again I’m not a doctor, so please check with your doctor prior to use.

    Just to give you a little background on me, I was a licensed esthetician, and have had this disease for 6 years.

    The first time I got rid of them my doctor used cutterage. Depending on your tolerance for pain, I didn’t find it super painful, but it did leave a few scars (I’m using biocorneum recommended by a plastic surgeon for the scars which should make it go away.)

    I know how awful this disease can be, and I want to help! No one should have to deal with this!

    If you would like to reach out to me with any questions, tips, or for more information or to try the old, about the oils, please feel free to email me

    I can also go over the product line with you (only if you want – no pressure) and if there is something else that ails you, DoTerra probably has a solution!

    I would not go take the time to write this post if I didn’t know how long molloscum can take to go over if ever). Please feel free to email me at michelelynn0715 with products questions and if you are interested in hearing more about DoTerra or trying my suggestions.

    Email me at the above link and I will send you my member number, as well as, call you for orientation on the oils and some for you to try, how to build the perfect potion to help with your get rid of it.

    Don’t/can’t afford the product line, simply reach out to me, and I will help you!

    After going through this disease for 6-7 years off and on, I just want to help those suffering for this horrible disease. Feel free to email me at a convenient time for you. Email is: Will respond within 24-48 hours at the latest.

    **If you can not afford the products for some reason, reach out to me so we can figure out a solution.

    I hope this helps anyone suffering from this horrible disease. Phone calls are setup by appointment only (or in happy to meet you if you live in Dallas – this will help you try the oils!

    Thanks for your time. Hoping to speaking to you in the near future!


  24. Lisa says:

    While I’m not a Doctor and always highly recommend to consult a doctor prior to use of products.

    I’m writing to tell you about a product that has worked for me immensely for molloscum! It is a combination of a DoTerra oils.

    I’ve been using them for less than 3 weeks and have noticed a huge impact/decrease in/of my molloscum. Some are completely gone (the head came out) and all of the rest have shrank.

    I have used a combination of oils through topical use, digestion, and a line of creams with have a ton of probiotics in them. I’ve noticed a dramatic difference in my skin as only 1-2 of them you can even see.

    I know exactly the right amount oils and fractionated coconut oil to use and how exactly to use each one. I would be happy to provide you with an adult and child amount that are safe (in my opinion), but again I’m not a doctor, so please check with your doctor prior to use.

    Just to give you a little background on me, I was a licensed esthetician, and have had this disease for 6 years.

    The first time I got rid of them my doctor used cutterage. Depending on your tolerance for pain, I didn’t find it super painful, but it did leave a few scars (I’m using biocorneum recommended by a plastic surgeon for the scars which should make it go away.)

    I know how awful this disease can be, and I want to help! No one should have to deal with this!

    If you would like to reach out to me with any questions, tips, or for more information or to try the old, about the oils, please feel free to email me

    I can also go over the product line with you (only if you want – no pressure) and if there is something else that ails you, DoTerra probably has a solution!

    I would not go take the time to write this post if I didn’t know how long molloscum can take to go over if ever). Please feel free to email me at michelelynn0715 with products questions and if you are interested in hearing more about DoTerra or trying my suggestions.

    Email me at the above link and I will send you my member number, as well as, call you for orientation on the oils and some for you to try, how to build the perfect potion to help with your get rid of it.

    Don’t/can’t afford the product line, simply reach out to me, and I will help you!

    After going through this disease for 6-7 years off and on, I just want to help those suffering for this horrible disease. Feel free to email me at a convenient time for you. Email is: Will respond within 24-48 hours at the latest.

    **If you can not afford the products for some reason, reach out to me so we can figure out a solution.

    I hope this helps anyone suffering from this horrible disease. Phone calls are setup by appointment only (or in happy to meet you if you live in Dallas – this will help you try the oils!

    Thanks for your time. Hoping to speaking to you in the near future!


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